True, embellished and fictional stories for your amusertainment

Thanks For The Memories

Humor is all around us – we simply need open our senses to find it.

The past few months, humor has been making itself more difficult for me to find. As such, this will be my last post.

This may be the end of my posts,

but it’s not the end of laughter.

My motto has and continues to be: “If you’re too busy to laugh, you’re too busy.”

May the farce be with you now and always!

Your IFF,


Poodle Skirt

Stephen and I have been frequenting estate sales. He’s found a few tools and I’ve had fun looking at all the things I don’t want because I portend that someday they would appear in my own estate sale. That is, until I stumbled upon the poodle skirt.

An original skirt from the early 50s, it’s made of a light blue quilted cotton. The poodle is laying on a chaise lounge, wearing a flower on her head, rhinestone collar and high heels, smoking a cigarette.

The owner saved her money so she could buy a poodle skirt when she was 11 years old, more than 70 years ago. She had her sights set on a blue skirt in a store she considered to be fancy.

She wrote her name in the waistband

Once she saved enough money, she bought the skirt and wore it “all the time”. I was amazed the skirt held such importance that the family kept it for more than 70 years.

With my new treasured item in tow (along with a white sweater covered in pearls),

This is not a vintage sweater

I am able to display this gorgeous skirt on my lovely mannequin, Quinn, cherishing and keeping it safe until it finds a new home when someone eventually buys it at my estate sale.

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


The Other Mickey

Mickey Mantel

Skeleton Crew

I have a number of skeletons in my closet and every year I pull them out to decorate for Halloween.

Inside view

Outside view

This year, I decided to extend the decorations outside. Unable to find another human skeleton, I was about to give up when fate shined upon me. While walking through the drugstore to pick up prescriptions, I found a skeleton. Without missing a beat, I grabbed it from the display and continued to the pharmacy. Once my turn arrived to check out, the technician turned her head away from me and raised her scanner in the general direction of my prize.

After several failed attempts, she said “I can’t ring that up – it’s staring at me!” (It was!)

I quickly placed my hand over its eyes so she could complete her task. Everyone in the vicinity thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Thrilled with my decor, I thought about going back and showing her my displays but figured she wouldn’t find them at all friendly.

A skeleton with his skeleton dog

Now that Halloween has passed, the skeletons are back in the closet. I have everything I need for next year, so no need to worry about scaring my pharmacy technician again.

Before going back in the closet

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


Hatched Chiles

Hatch chiles appear full grown as soon as they’re out of the egg

Murder of Crows

A murder of crows surrounded my home with a look that said mischievous

They sat on my grass, my trees, my stones, plotting something devious

I felt something wet land on my head and looked up above with certain dread

But before I could run back into the house, the wetness had started to spread

The droppings were vast, above and below

This was something I didn’t ask for

So I yelled at the crows 

Never more, Never more

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


The Weed

Foreward: We have a Siberian Elm tree in our backyard. It is often referred to as a weed tree because it grows fast and is difficult to kill. We recently had it trimmed. Stephen has an affinity for weeds.

Stephen: I’m growing Daisy Fleabane again.

Daisy Fleabane

Pam: Where?

Stephen: By the roses.

Pam: Why?

Stephen: I don’t know – it grows fast and looks okay.

Pam: It’s a weed – of course it grows fast. It could also take over and kill the roses.

Stephen: I just like it.

Pam: You and your weeds! We have one of the tallest weeds on the planet in our backyard and we just paid a gazzilion dollars to have it trimmed. I would think that would be enough weed for you!

Our weed tree


Stephen: Did you hear what you just said?

Silence… thinking…

Raucous laughter.

Maybe I should try selling our tree trimmings.

Truth in advertising

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,
